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Scurte #508

– revista de bandă desenată HAC! (Harap Alb Continuă!) are acum o apariţie lunară.

– o listă cu 100 de cărţi fantasy esenţiale, în viziunea lui Andrzej Sapkowski.

citate marca Stephen King.

– un fragment din Northmen: The Viking Saga: 793-1241 AD de John Haywood. “Focusing on key events, including the sack of Lindisfarne in 793 and the Battle of Stamford Bridge in 1066, medieval history expert John Haywood recounts the saga of the Viking Age, from the creation of the world through to the dwindling years of halfhearted raids and elegiac storytelling in the thirteenth century. He does so with meticulous research, engaging narrative, and sensitivity for his subject, shedding light and blood along the way.”

coperta lui Norse Mythology, următorul roman semnat de Neil Gaiman şi aşteptat pe 7 februarie 2016.

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